New simple solution for e-payments: SmartCommerce

Last Updated: 10/25/2017By

From time to time I receive questions about electronic payments. Two simple cases:

  1. You want to sell products and/or services online
  2. You want to receive donations

Perhaps you have setup a simple website and you want to integrate a simple way of receive payments. The creation of a proper e-Commerce solution would probably be a case of over-engineering.

There are many solutions available of course, and every day a new one comes to market. Recently I came across a service developed by PostFinance and called SmartCommerce.

To try it I registered on Ok, I did all the registration and following setup in German but the service is multi-language.

As a result I got my own payment page where “mypage” could be your domain-name. After that I created 1 new product and for each product or service you have a different payment page, like this The service has a clear help online and how-to videos, so I am not publishing here any screenshot.
From what I understand of this service, you have then 2 options:
  1. from your website you show the payment link, which would then open a new page (within SmartCommerce) with the payment option. This is rather easy step.
  2. You could integrate the payment page of SmartCommerce within your existing website, but in this case you need https (this is a PostFinance requirement). For this step you need to purchase a SSL certificate for your domain, costs around 100chf per year.
If you want to be online in very short time, I would probably go for option 1.
SmartCommerce offers then payments from different kinds of credit cards. The available online information concerning Paypal are not very clear but I would not hesitate contacting PostFinance helpdesk. I have been dealing with PostFinance in the past and they were always very helpful.
Of course if you have a modern website, for example based on WordPress, you have other alternatives: there is plenty of plugins for e-Payment and donations.
Comparing SmartCommerce to a self-developed solution, I would have the following pros and cons:
+ you have more payment options
+ payments are safe because are managed by Postfinance
– you have extra costs
– all payment information are part of the SmartCommerce page. If you move out of Postfinance for some reason, you loose that data.

A decision should be taken considering:

  1. how many different products/services are you going to sell
  2. how long will you be selling, in what quantities
  3. what kind of IT skills you have available and at what cost

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