New Solution for selling online

Last Updated: 07/31/2014By Tags: , ,

Netfe is proud to present the new Online Store Service. It allows, in a very short time, to put online products and services.

It’s a new solution, meaning that the approach we had to solve the problem is new. Typically there are 2 solutions:

  1. Apply to one of the several established eCommerce system on the market that offer a fee based service
  2. Create own site based on a standard eCommerce solution (either Open Source or Commercial)

Both approaches have pros and cons. These are both very well documented in several online reports, so there is no need to repeat them. Our solution is based on the experience we had trying both above approaches. We started buying a service from one of the best established eCommerce solutions and we realized very soon that:

  • Even the smallest change to the standard service was impossible to realize
  • Getting out of the service meant starting from scratch again

so we won’t be doing any more work with any of the standard services around.

On the other hand, creating a own eCommerce site based on any of the standard software available presents many obstacles. The first is choosing the right one (the one who is next to your wish solution), then you have to work with it to pack it with features you need and that are not available out of the box. This ends up in either buying Plugin or Extensions or develop them yourself. Then you have the solution secure, keep it up to date, etc. All this means investing a lot of time and resources.

We have done this for you and we can offer you a solution that is available on regular periodic fee (no initial investment), where you have the option to develop your own desired features (paying very fair development fees) and you have even the option to buy-out the solution, if you think that is for you -in long terms- the best solution.

[separator top=”30″] [tagline_box link=”/web-solutions/ecommerceeshop/” button=”See how it works” title=”Discover a new system to sell online” description=”Go online in few hours, no initial investment, no hidden costs,
only fair monthly fees”][/tagline_box] [separator top=”30″]

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